Research appointments at

the Warner Textile Archive

Research Appointments

We offer research appointments for students, researchers and members of the public who are interested in researching our collections in person.

To prepare the most suitable records or objects for your research appointment, it’s important that we gather as much information as possible. For instance, please let us know if there’s a particular design style, era or technique that you want to explore. Or, a named Warner & Sons employee that you want to research. It is also helpful to have an overview of your project to understand where we might be able to support this with objects from our collection. We have many more records and designs within the collection than are available on our website, so please discuss your interests with us. We may have information accessible for a research appointment.

How To Book A Research Appointment

Please complete our research appointment enquiry form. Once we receive your research appointment request, a member of our team will be in touch to confirm your visit and clarify any further details required.

Research appointments are scheduled for two-hour slots between Tuesday – Friday 10am-3pm. Appointments are usually 10am – 12pm or 1pm – 3pm. Appointments are not available on bank holidays and there may be a waiting period of six weeks in peak times. If your preferred visit date is unavailable, we will be in touch to arrange an alternative suitable date. Please give as much notice as possible before your visit.

Please let us know at the time of booking if you require any special assistance with accessing the collection. The Warner Textile Archive is all on level access and has a disabled toilet on-site.

What To Expect When You Visit for Research

A member of our team will meet you at your allocated time. You will be guided through the objects or records that you are viewing for your appointment. You will then have time to take notes or sketch; please only use pencil. Your visit will be invigilated by a member of the team, who will be on hand for any additional questions.

Bags, umbrellas and suitcases must be stored in our secure lockers in the foyer. Coats will be hung on our rails. Food and drink should be consumed in the reception area where tables are provided.

If you are unable to attend your appointment, please let us know as far in advance as possible so we may offer the time slot to another activity.

Sometimes objects may not be available to view at your appointment. This may be due to an object being particularly fragile or because it is on loan to another organisation. You will be advised of any unavailable objects prior to your visit.

Please note that we cannot give valuations.


Photography is not permitted at the Warner Textile Archive. If you would like images for research purposes you can request these and photographs can be taken on-site on the day, and emailed to you with an image request form afterwards. Should you require images for publication of any kind, further permissions and fees will apply.

Research Guidelines: Handling the Collections

Please handle any objects or records during your visit with care. It is important for us to care for our collection while balancing access. Please follow the below guidance when handling collections during your visit:

– Please only bring pencils into the space to make notes or sketch. Charcoal, chalk pastels and paints are not permitted. You may take notes on your laptop instead.

– You will be asked to wear nitrile gloves when handling the textiles.

– Please refrain from wearing nail polish or hand cream when you visit us as this can damage our paper records. Hands should be clean and dry.

– Be aware of your surroundings. Do not lean on objects or rest pencils on top of fabric samples.