Leonard St. John Tibbetts

Great-grandson of Benjamin Warner. Managing Director of Warner & Sons c.1963 – 1980s.

Upon the death of Alec Hunter, Tibbetts was in charge of New Mills, Braintree from 1958, managing the factory until its closure in 1971. Mr Reeves acted as factory manager during this time.

Upon the death of Herbert Woodman and the retirement of Sidney Taylor, St. John Tibbitts took over the general management of both woven and print design in c.1963. From 1962 he was managing director, upon the retirement of Ernest Goodale.

After taking a textile technology degree at Manchester and doing his war service, St. John Tibbitts had joined Warner & Sons as power loom production manager, and assistant to Alec Hunter at Braintree. Upon Alec Hunter’s death he assumed full responsibility for the factory and combined this with production and design management in London and assisting Sir Ernest Goodale. Like his predecessors, St John Tibbitts also concerned himself with both the industrial and craft sides of the textile industry. He was an associate of the Textile Institute, a past Chairman of the Furnishing Fabrics Association and President of the London Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers. He was also Upper Bailiff of the Worshipful Company of Weavers for 1980-1981. Tibbetts was instrumental in compiling and preserving the Warner Textile Archive in the 1970s.